Mobile Convenience

Add us to your mobile wallet

Available to add on iPhone and Android. Simply open up the mobile wallet app on either device and follow the onscreen instructions provided. Add your FTWCCU debit card as your primary card. It's as simple as that!

Mobile Apps   

FTWCCU's Free Mobile Banking Apps with Mobile Remote Deposit

Visit the App Store on your iPhone/iPad or Google Play Store on your Android device and download the “FTWCCU” App.

Your use of Mobile Banking to access your FTWCCU account is governed by the terms and conditions of the FTWCCU Home Banking Disclosure.

What can I do with the Mobile Banking App?
  • View account balances and recent transactions
  • Transfer money within accounts
  • Pay bills you have already set up using Bill Pay
  • Locate your nearest FTWCCU branch or Free ATM
  • Deposit checks using Mobile Remote Deposit

How do I use the Mobile Banking App?

  • Open the FTWCCU App on your phone or tablet
  • Enter your home banking User ID and password then select the "Login" button
  • You will be prompted to complete your one time access code (on first login via text or phone call)
  • Home menu screen will open
  • Use the buttons on the home menu to access the functions you need
  • Make sure and click “Log off” when ending your mobile session
Do I need a special kind of cell phone?

Mobile Banking Apps works with most iPhones and iPads running iOS 13.0 or later, and Android cell phones and tablets running Android 8.0 or later with internet access

What does it cost?

FTWCCU does not charge for using Mobile Banking Apps, however your wireless provider may charge for access or data usage based on your wireless plan.

Are there limits for deposits made using Mobile Remote Deposit?

You are not limited to the number of deposits you can make using Mobile Remote Deposit. However, there are daily and monthly limits on the deposit amounts that can be processed per user. Members cannot deposit more than:

  • $10,000.00 per item
  • $10,000.00 per day
  • $25,000.00 per month

Any requirements for Mobile Remote Deposit?

Ensure that your check is properly endorsed including "For Mobile Deposit @ FTWCCU" on the back of the check.  Your deposit will be rejected if this is not included. 


Text Message Banking

What is Text Message Banking?

Need quick access to your account information but you're not at a computer? FTWCCU's Text Message Banking service enables you to obtain account information from your mobile phone via text message. It's another way of accessing your account information at your convenience for free. To enable this free service, log in to Home Banking and register your mobile phone number under the "Additional Services" tab.

FTWCCU Shortcode: 454545

Commands to use:

  • BAL - primary account balance
  • BAL ALL - all account balances
  • LAST - last 5 transactions on one designated primary account
  • BAL CHK - balances of all checking accounts
  • BAL SAV - balances of all savings accounts
  • STOP - un-enroll from the service
  • HELP - send info on the commands, how to use