Please be alert of spoofing and fraudulent calls. FTWCCU will NEVER call, email, or text asking for your online banking credentials or any of your secured financial information. If you aren't sure, hang up and call us directly at (817)835-5000.
Refinance your auto (to us) . . . and we'll give you $200 CASH!*
Simply complete this application to transfer your auto loan balance over to FTWCCU. You'll not only get $200, you'll most likely get a lower monthly payment! And to sweeten the deal your first payment won't be due for 60 days. Don’t wait because this offer is good only for a limited time!
Please provide the following information in the comment box at the end of the application:
- Lien Holder phone number
- Loan account number
*$10,000 minimum loan amount to qualify for cash offer. Normal credit granting criteria applies. All loans subject to credit approval. Certain restrictions apply.
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